A fully independent company providing asbestos surveys throughout Bristol, Bath and the South West

Asbestos Surveys Bristol, Bath, South West

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 require asbestos to be identified and assessed in non-domestic premises. There is an explicit duty on the owner and employer in occupation to manage the risks from asbestos in their premises.
The Regulations also apply to communal areas of purpose-built flats or conversions to flats.

PH Consultants carry out Management, Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys in accordance with HSE Survey Guide HSG264 and the following Legislation

Asbestos surveys involve:

  1. A pre-survey risk assessment
  2. Inspection for ACMs (asbestos-containing materials)
  3. Sampling of suspect ACMs for laboratory identification
  4. Comprehensive written report and assessments, analysis certificate, marked-up floor plans, photographs etc

Proprietor Rick Margetts has extensive experience in asbestos abatement and management, holds British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Accreditation P402, international (BOHS) Qualification W504, and is totally independent of any asbestos removal organisation.

The company currently services Police Authorities, NHS Trusts, Independent Schools & Colleges, Residential Care Homes and Ecclesiastical Buildings.

Enquiries are welcomed for industrial, commercial and residential premises.